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AgTech brings technology to the farm, making life easier for farmers and growers. It covers agriculture, horticulture, and aquaculture. Take, for instance, IoT-enabled irrigation and crop health management. With IoT, farmers boost efficiency in time, labor, and waste reduction. Precision agriculture uses data to ensure ideal conditions for crops and livestock, while using resources wisely.

Energy, Waste, and Utilities

Allow your managers to take complete control of energy data from scratch and optimize the process significantly. IoT in the energy and utility sectors is an advanced process where planning and energy & resource management of the consumption patterns in multiple domains takes place.

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Industrial Manufacturing

IIoT transforms traditional factories into smart, safer spaces, boosting productivity and efficiency for frontline workers.

Smart Cities and Buildings

In smart cities, IoT devices play a vital role. They link up with sensors, lights, and meters to gather and analyze data. This data is the key to enhancing infrastructure, public utilities, safety, and services, making our cities smarter and more efficient.

Transportation and Logistics

Telematics powers IoT in transport and logistics. It's the tech behind fuel tracking and fleet management software. Devices on vehicles send data to a web platform using secure cellular networks, making transport more efficient.

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