DigiKey is a world-class distributor of electronic components.

Authorized Distributor

DigiKey is an authorized distributor of electronics components for more than 2,400 industry-leading suppliers.

World-Class Support

DigiKey's Customer Service team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week via phone, chat or email.

Breadth of Selection

At any given time, more than 2,700,000 products are in stock and ready to be shipped from DigiKey's headquarters with no lead times for in-stock products.

Quality Certifications & Compliance Standards

Quality is a crucial parameter which differentiates DigiKey from our competitors. As a result, we are continuously improving all aspects of our business throughout our supply chain.

Trusted by embedded engineers everywhere

Portrait picture of Keenan Johnson

"We went from product testing to production really fast."

Keenan Johnson
Founder and Executive Director of Ribbit Network
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"Golioth’s SDK and API is extremely simple."

Michael Eatherly
Senior Software Engineer, Ovyl
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Portrait picture of Micheal Eatherly
Portrait picture of Eli Thomas

"Going with Golioth was an easy business decision."

Eli Thomas
Head of Technology, Method Recycling
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Portrait picture of Keenan Johnson

"We went from product testing to production really fast."

Keenan Johnson
Founder and Executive Director of Ribbit Network
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Portrait picture of Micheal Eatherly

"An IOT platform
done right!"

Michael Eatherly
Senior Software Engineer, Ovyl
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Portrait picture of Eli Thomas

"Going with Golioth was an easy business decision."

Eli Thomas
Head of Technology, Method Recycling
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